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新东方在线SAT频道为大家带来SAT必考核心词汇(2141-2150),希望对大家SAT备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线SAT频道! 更多SAT词汇>>


2141. heyday

n. 全盛期

the period of one's greatest popularity, vigor,or prosperity

2142. hideous

adj. 极其丑陋的

offensive to the senses and especially to sight

例 a hideous face 一张丑陋的脸

adj. 邪恶的

morally offensive

例 a hideous crime 邪恶的罪行

2143. hierarchy

n. 等级制度

categorization of a group of people according to ability or status

例 cultural hierarchy 文化层级

派 hierarchical adj. 等级制的;按等级划分的

2141爱情数字代表意思(2141)  第1张

2144. hinder

v. 妨碍、阻碍(某人或某事物的)进展

to make slow or difficult the progress of

例 hinder the progress 妨碍进程

派 unhindered adj. 不受阻碍的

例 unhindered interaction 无阻碍的互动


2145. hindsight

n. 事后的觉悟;事后的清醒

perception of the nature of an event after it has happened

例 several years of hindsight 事后多年的觉悟

2146. hitherto

adv. 到目前为止;迄今

up to this or that time

2147. hoard

v. 聚藏;贮藏;收集

to lay up a hoard of

2148. hoax

v. 戏弄

to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous

n. 恶作剧;戏弄

an act intended to trick or dupe

n. 骗局

something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication

2149. hobble

v. 阻碍;束缚

to hamper the action or progress of

2141爱情数字代表意思(2141)  第2张

例 hobble chances of winning 降低获胜的可能性

2150. hodgepodge

n. 大杂烩;混乱的事物

a heterogeneous mixture

例 hodgepodge of external pressures 各种各样的来自外界的压力







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